Monday, August 24, 2009

♥Fresh from the Oven Apple Crisp 'n Cream♥

This is one of those recipes that is such a good standby! Apples are filling our farmer's markets right now - red, green, crunchy and delicious! I used to make this for my boys so they'd have a warm treat when they would walk in the back door after school. It never lasted long and I bet yours won't either!
Piled high in deep bowls, swimming in half and half or topped with vanilla ice cream, there is NO way anyone could refuse!

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^..^Corgidogmama said...

Your cheery cherry blog just delights me so dear Mimi. This recipe will become a standby for all of us in the autumn days to come. Your recipe card made me think of Susan Branch.
I hope, dear lady, that you are busy working on your cookbook. You need to publish these and somehow tie your blog theme into it, and make by you and your Mom. Just a'll work, trust me on this!!

Kim said...

Sounds delish!! I'm loving that cute little recipe card on your post! How did you do that? Very cute!